Monte San Giorgio

Cover photo


Date: 27 September 2008
Maximum height: 1096.7 m
Difference in height: 850 m
Length: 9 km
Kilometers effort: 20.3 kmef
Duration: 5 hours


SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Riva San Vitale ad Albio.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Albio fino in vetta.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla vetta fino a Cassina.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Cassina fino a Riva San Vitale.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

The Monte San Giorgio has numerous paths to climb. One of the longest is the one that starts from Riva San Vitale. Near the cemetery there is a large parking area where to leave the car. Then you go up a small road and just before you get to Albio you leave it to follow a well marked path that leads us to the summit. For the return you can redo the same path or go down from the south side up to Cassina. Shortly after Cassina I diverted from the main mule track and entered the Val Serrata. About halfway up the valley you reach a path (not marked on the map) that comes off from the main one and heads towards the river. After a hundred meters you reach the cave called "La Bögia", on the west side of the valley. With a length of more than 300 meters, La Bögia is the longest cave in the mendrisiotto. Inside, after about thirty meters, we find a pond and continue to be equipped. Continuing the tour you return to the main path and continue down to Meride. From here you take another path that takes us back to the start.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Strada per Albio

  • Strada per Albio
  • Sentiero a Quota 995 Metri
  • San Salvatore
  • Poncione d'Arzo e Monte Orsa
  • Capolago e Riva San Vitale
  • Chiesetta di San Giorgio
  • Interno della Chiesetta
  • San Salvatore
  • Chiesetta di San Giorgio
  • Chiesetta di San Giorgio
  • Cassina
  • La Bögia di Meride
  • La Bögia di Meride