Lago di Sfii (Sfille)

Cover photo


Date: 9 September 2020
Maximum height: 1930 m
Difference in height: 820 m
Length: 12 km
Kilometers effort: 22.9 kmef
Duration: 5 hours
Lakes reached: Lago di Sfii (Sfille)

Difficulties (Automatic translation in english)

SAC-CAS hiking scale From the car park to the end of the road.
SAC-CAS hiking scale From the end of the road to the bridge under the Alpe di Sfii.
SAC-CAS hiking scale From the bridge below the Alpe di Sfii to Lake Sfii.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

Today's goal is Lago di Sfii in Valle di Campo, also known by many as Lago di Sfille.
Once you have reached and passed the village of Cimalmotto (where there is a general no-trespassing sign), start walking along the tarmac road that descends towards the bottom of the valley. In the Pianelli di Sotto area, the road ends and the path begins, continuing to descend until it reaches the bridge that crosses the Rovana di Campo. After crossing the bridge, we start to climb up the southern side of the valley along a fairly wide path with numerous steps at the steepest points. After an initial stretch of fairly steep ascent, towards an altitude of 1500 metres, the route continues more gently until it reaches Alpe di Sfii, which, however, is not reached. Just before the alpe, in fact, there is a fork where you must take the path on the left that descends to the river and crosses it on a convenient bridge. After crossing the bridge, start climbing again in a north-easterly direction and, after circumventing a mountain ledge, you will finally reach the lake.
This lake is a beautiful green colour and is completely surrounded by larch trees that in autumn turn the whole area a beautiful yellow colour. In order to get a better view of it, I climbed up to Corte del Lago, where there are still two stone buildings.
The return journey follows the same route as the outward journey.
As far as water is concerned, there is a fountain along the road just after the village of Cimalmotto and the stream at an altitude of about 1380 metres. There is also possibly a river below the Alpe di Sfii where cows sometimes graze.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Comments (3)

18 July 2023 - 23:47
Oggi 18.07.2023 siamo stati al lago Sfii e il ponte c’era di nuovo.
13 July 2022 - 11:31
Grazie per la segnalazione. Confermo che il ponte al momento non c'è più. Bisogna prestare attenzione ad attraversare il fiume subito dopo una piovuta oppure in primavera quando la neve si sta sciogliendo.
12 July 2022 - 08:14
Purtroppo il pontino sotto l'alpe non è più utilizzabile, ma si passa dal fiume. Attenzione ad andare a sinistra perché a destra si vede meglio la marca del sentiero che porta a Cavegna.
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Valle del Ri di Sfii

  • Valle del Ri di Sfii
  • Sentiero che scende al ponte sulla Rovana di Campo
  • Ponte sulla Rovana di Campo
  • Cappella a quota 1515 metri circa
  • Alpe di Sfii
  • Valle del Ri di Sfii
  • Ponte sul Ri di Sfii
  • Valle del Ri di Sfii
  • Alpe di Sfii
  • Lago di Sfii
  • Lago di Sfii
  • Corte del Lago
  • Lago di Sfii
  • Valle del Ri di Sfii
  • Sentiero che scende dall'Alpe di Sfii
  • Sentiero che scende dall'Alpe di Sfii