Klein Furkahorn

Cover photo


Date: 10 July 2010
Maximum height: 3026.2 m
Difference in height: 600 m
Length: 5 km
Kilometers effort: 13 kmef
Duration: 4 hours


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Passo del Furka fino a quota 2720 metri, sul sentiero settentrionale.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da quota 2720 metri fino alla bocchetta a quota 2790 metri.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla bocchetta a quota 2790 metri fino in vetta e ritorno.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla bocchetta a quota 2790 metri fino al Passo del Furka, sul sentiero meridionale.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

For this trip you can leave the car before the Furka Pass, on the Uranian side, where there is a large parking lot, however, very used. For the climb you can choose between two paths. The northern one is less marked and less visible than the other, especially in the last 80 meters before the opening. From here you climb up to the summit on a trail that becomes less and less until it disappears. Even the white-blue-white signs at about 2900 meters disappear. However, there are no problems to find a way to climb as the south-west slope of the ridge is not too steep. On the way back, follow the same path up to the nozzle and from there you can take the southern path, which is more convenient than the other, which takes you back to the pass.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Bocchetta a Quota 2790 Metri

  • Bocchetta a Quota 2790 Metri
  • Klein Furkahorn
  • Klein Furkahorn
  • Cima del Klein Furkahorn
  • Cima del Klein Furkahorn
  • Rhonegletscher
  • Cima del Klein Furkahorn
  • Passo del Furka
  • Klein Furkahorn
  • Fringuello Alpino