Capanna Saléi e Laghetto dei Saléi

Cover photo


Date: 6 September 2012
Maximum height: 2006 m
Difference in height: 900 m
Length: 9 km
Kilometers effort: 21 kmef
Duration: 5 hours
Huts reached: Capanna Saléi
Lakes reached: Laghetto dei Saléi


SAC-CAS hiking scale Lungo tutto il tragitto.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

After traveling across the Onsernone Valley, along a winding and endless road, you finally reach Spruga, the last village in the valley. Here there is a parking lot where you can leave your car but it seems to be almost always full. It then begins to climb through the narrow streets of the village and then continue along a fairly steep path-stairway that crosses the meadows and woods until you reach the mountains above Spruga. Once you get to Pian Secco the slope decreases and you get in a beautiful wood of larches that will accompany us up to Alpe Saléi, where from an old building has been obtained the homonymous hut. The latter is very beautiful, with dry stone walls, and is set in a large pasture that enjoys a great view. Then continue towards N-W from first on level ground and then with a moderate slope, until you reach the Laghetto dei Saléi and from there in a short time to the Passo del Bùsan which connects the Valle Onsernone to the Valle di Vergeletto. To change itinerary you can descend southwards and arrive in about half an hour at Alpe Pesced, a beautiful mountain pasture with stone walls and a stone roof, which enjoys an exceptional view over the whole valley. From here you descend in about an hour to Spruga, passing again from Pian Secco. Regarding the water, there is a fountain above Spruga, one in Pian Secco and one last in the Capanna Saléi. Then there is the river that descends from the Laghetto dei Saléi.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Comments (1)

Erne 06/16
11 June 2016 - 20:06
Bellissima zona. Ti entra nel cuore.
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Pian Secco

  • Pian Secco
  • Alpe Saléi
  • Alpe Saléi
  • Capanna Saléi
  • Capanna Saléi
  • Laghetto dei Saléi
  • Alpe Saléi e Laghetto dei Saléi
  • Passo del Bùsan
  • Valle di Vergeletto
  • Pilone
  • Alpe Pesced
  • Spruga