Capanna Cadagno e Lago Ritom

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Date: 22 July 2012
Maximum height: 2077 m
Difference in height: 350 m
Length: 11 km
Kilometers effort: 15.7 kmef
Duration: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Huts reached: Capanna Cadagno
Lakes reached: Lago di Tom
Lago Cadagno


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Diga del Ritom al Lago di Tom.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Lago di Tom a Cadagno.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Cadagno alla Capanna Cadagno e ritorno.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Da Cadagno fino alla Diga del Ritom, a Sud del lago.

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

Here we are back in this beautiful area of Val Piora, unfortunately this time with bad weather.
We reach the Ritom Lake Dam, where there is a large paid parking (Fr. 5.- for 3 hours, Fr. 8.- for 6 hours, Fr. 10.- for the whole day)[Update of 21.9.2019: Fr. 11 for 6 hours, Fr. 15 for the whole day] that you can also reach through the Piotta-Ritom funicular.
From the dam we begin to walk along the road that leads to Cadagno. Reached the Alpe Ritom, to lengthen a bit 'the trip, we climb following the dirt road to Lake Tom.
From here we continue to the east and back down from before to Lake Cadagno and then continue up to the Capanna Cadagno that in this period is being expanded.
We return the same way to Cadagno, but this time we take the path that heads south to the bridge at an altitude of 1852 meters.
Here, after crossing a bridge and a tunnel, we take the new path that runs along Lake Ritom on the South side.
This path was inaugurated just in 2009 and thus allows us to return to the dam for an alternative route.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Comments (1)

Ana Paula
10 May 2020 - 18:05
Bellissima passeggiata. Sono stata ieri 09.05.2020. Presente ancora del ghiaccio nel sentiero che porta verso il laghetto di Ritóm. Abbiamo approfittato per andare alla Capanna Cadagno. Consiglio alle famiglie e anche alle persone come me che non hanno ancora molta resistenza per le lunghe camminate in montagna.
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Lago Ritom

  • Lago Ritom
  • Lago di Tom
  • Lago di Tom
  • Lago Cadagno
  • Capanna Cadagno in Fase di Ampliamento
  • Ponte e Galleria
  • Lago Ritom
  • Lago Ritom
  • Ruscello con Ponte
  • Lago Ritom
  • Lago Ritom
  • Sentiero a Sud del Lago Ritom