
Cover photo


Date: 6 September 2009
Maximum height: 2227.9 m
Difference in height: 1000 m
Length: 11 km
Kilometers effort: 24.3 kmef
Duration: 7 hours


SAC-CAS hiking scale Dall'Alpe di Serdena fino in vetta (con un passaggio T3).
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dalla Bocchetta di Revolte fino al Monte Segor.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dal Monte Segor fino all'Alpe Matro.
SAC-CAS hiking scale Dall'Alpe Matro fino all'Alpe di Serdena (T1 il pezzo su strada).

Comment (Automatic translation in english)

To get to the Camoghè you can start from the Alpe di Serdena, which can only be reached on weekends due to a gate just above Isone which is closed by the military. From here you go up an easy path up to Bocchetta di Revolte and then continue on a slope a bit 'more sloping up to the summit. First you reach the ancient (with a small passage on rock about 30 meters from it) where there is a small chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas of Flüe and 100 meters later you reach the top proper. Between the two summits are the remains of an old refuge of military origin. Return to Bocchetta di Revolte, if you want, you can continue on the ridge up to Monte Segor. Along this way there are some steps a bit 'more steep that require the use of hands to overcome them. Once you get to Monte Segor, you will return to safe paths that lead to the Gazzirola and from there continue up to the Alpe Matro. At this point you can take the path that leads directly to the Alpe di Serdena, which is somewhat hidden, or take what arrives on the road 600 meters before the other and that forces us to do a little 'climb, but that on the other hand it is very well kept.

Map of the Path

Map of the Path Copyright SwissTopo

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Comments (2)

24 May 2017 - 15:42
Salito il Camoghè con mia grande soddisfazione. La cima merita di essere "conquistata"
23 August 2016 - 22:40
Finalmente una chiara descrizione della salita con mappa che mi permetterà di salire Camoghè.
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  • Camoghè
  • Val di Serdena
  • Camoghè
  • Alpe Caneggio
  • Cima del Camoghè
  • Cima del Camoghè
  • Anticima del Camoghè
  • Cappella sul Camoghè
  • Monte Segor
  • Camoghè
  • Gazzirola
  • Cima del Gazzirola